Watch: Lady slaps boyfriend who tried to dump her

The video has attracted a lot of attention with some defending the crazy actions of the lady

The couple fighting
Image: Screengrab

Usually in relationships, when a beautiful lady is told by her lover that they are breaking up, she often cries and becomes miserable.

But for one Nigerian lady that wasn't the case. The beauty refused to receive the news of the split from her lover and after arguing for a while, slapped him on the cheek insisting that there was no breaking up their relationship.

The video that has gone viral shows the man shouting at his girlfriend saying he has decided to end their relationship.

Despite the beauty trying to persuade him not to break the relationship, the man seemed to insist that it wouldn't continue.

After giving her a towel, the man decided to leave but the beautiful girl ran behind him and grabbed his shirt while turning him to continue to caress him.

After seeing that he wasn't changing his mind, the beautiful woman slapped the man and told him in the face that there was no breaking up their relationship.

After the sudden slap, the people nearby screamed in amazement, while others defended the lady's crazy action.

The video created a stir as commenters gathered to share their thoughts. Watch the video below;