Alikiba's fascinating response to fan who asked him about Amina

The musician avoids speaking about his Kenyan wife who demanded a divorce in court filings last year

Image: Instagram

Today's Alikiba is a person who is very enthusiastic and responds to fans' responses thrown at him, unlike in the past when the artist was very conservative in terms of uploading or tweeting.

The artist in particular has been speaking on the X network, previously known as Twitter where he was promoting the producer of his new song, Abbah.

That's when one fan spoke up wanting to know how Amina Khalef was doing, but Alikiba answered him by sending him to listen to his song Sumu- a song warning people to stay away from people's lovers.

Oyaa king nipo na swali la msingi why unadharau sana mzee? Swali dogo la nyongeza amina hajambo?” the fan asked him.

“Swali la kwanza, Mwanangu nimewahi kuudharau wapi, kuhusiana na suala la pili, kasikilize wimbo unaitwa Sumu,” Alikiba answered him.

With that answer, Alikiba was signaling to turn off the fan who was monitoring his personal life advising him that monitoring someone's intimate affairs is not good, it is poison.

Alikiba and Amina have had issues in recent months regarding the whole issue of wanting a divorce.

Amina once went directly to her social networks and complained strongly that Alikiba had been denying her a divorce despite her wanting one.

Amina in a long message asked Alikiba to agree to write her divorce to free her rather than keep her in the marriage.

Alikiba has never discussed the issue directly when asked by online journalists.

At one time when he was in Nairobi, he was asked and he said that he can't be  disturbed by something that he knows the answer to.