Alfred Mutua's curious line in birthday message raises eyebrows

The politician posted on his socials celebrating all monumental people in his life as he celebrated his 53rd birthday

Alfred Mutua
Image: Instagram

Dr. Alfred Mutua, the Cabinet Secretary for Foreign & Diaspora Affairs, celebrated his birthday recently and couldn't contain his happiness and enthusiasm.

The now 53-year-old CS thanked his parents, kids, friends, and apparently his ex-wife Lilian Ng'ang'a in a touching post on social media.

The politician thanked his mother for giving him life in a post that included a photo of himself grinning broadly while wearing comfortable blue trousers, a yellow t-shirt and white trainers. He then thanked his father for being a joyful person, for telling funny jokes and most importantly for upbringing him well.

"I thank the Almighty God on this, my birthday. Special thanks to my wonderful and beautiful mother for being in labor and giving birth to me 53 years ago today - August 22nd - and nursing and nurturing me.

I thank my Dad for his jokes and happy spirit and for bringing me up in an upright manner," part of his post read.

He then sent a thank-you note to his children for their "unambiguous love," which he described as what had kept him going. He said that his children were his pride and delight.

"Thanks to my siblings and relatives for all we have shared and will continue to share. And mostly, thanks to my amazing children for their unequivocal love. I am amazed how much of me they have in them and I am full of gratitude,"

In his subsequent tweet, he appeared to toast his ex-wife Lilian by saying, "Those who have been in and out of his life," a phrase that astute internet users were only too eager to pick up on.

"To those who have been in and out of my life and made me better - Ahsante. My friends (and I am lucky to have genuine friends), the adventure continues,"

As he was wrapping up, he took the chance to congratulate bongo legend Rayvanny, who was also celebrating a birthday, and he continued by wishing everyone else a happy birthday.

"To many who share the birthday date with me - Big up to my buddy Rayvanny - I say to you all, with a huge smile, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU TOO. God Bless You.

I am at a very good place in life - happy, peaceful, content and grateful.

God truly loves me. Mbele iko Sawa!" The last of his post read.