Nadia Mukami: Women were created to be pampered

She encouraged men to spoil their ladies even though the ladies were financially stable

Nadia Mukami
Image: Instagram

Kenyan recording and performing musician Nadia Mukami has discussed why she firmly believes that a guy should not only take care of but also spoil a lady, especially if she has her own riches.

However, the mother of one emphasized that most people misunderstand the idea of spoiling a woman.

“Even if I am financially stable as a woman, a man spoiling me shouldn’t be an issue.

Naturally, men were created to fend for their families and women to be pampered," Nadia said.

The 'Kai Wangu' singer claimed in an intriguing turn that she did not consider paying bills to be being spoilt, a fine line she believes many struggle to understand.

"Spoiling a woman doesn’t mean you pay my bills, that’s where people get it wrong,” Nadia added.

The musician continued by listing other ways a man should surely indulge his girlfriend in order to clarify what she meant by her earlier statement.

“If she is your girlfriend or wife, spoiling means taking her out to some nice restaurant she might have not been to for a meal, buying her flowers, buying her a shoe, a handbag she likes, or gifts she likes. 

That is what spoiling a woman is all about! It is not necessarily about paying bills,” Nadia explained. 

Nadia, who just launched a spa and beauty business, urged the female audience to learn to always save for both a rainy day and the things they want to achieve.

“It’s good to list your priorities and save for those, but it's also good to have what in business we call emergency funds. 

Always save and set aside some funds for something you can never foresee, just in case something happens, you have a place to start. Life happens, I mean, who foresaw the Covid-19 and its impact?” Nadia said.