How Nadia Mukami's finger prevented Arrow Bwoy from proposing back in 2021

Nadia pointed out that in the past they had planned a traditional wedding which ultimately did not work out.

Nadia Mukami with Arrow Bwoy
Image: Instagram

Kenyan singer Ali Yusuf aka Arrow Bwoy has revealed that he planned to propose to Nadia Mukami during his music tour in the United States in 2021.

During an interview with broadcaster Massawe Japanni on Monday, Arrow Bwoy revealed that he had planned everything and laid out all the strategies but his plan hit a rock.

"I was supposed to propose to her (Nadia Mukami) when she was in the United States. But I noticed her finger was too small. I had a ring in my pocket, I was always looking at her finger," the singer said.

The father of one explained that following the situation, he had no choice but to return the ring.

“I had to return the ring. At the time of delivery, she had already returned to Kenya, and the pregnancy was rushing her," he said.

The lovers were answering a question about their wedding plans. Arrow Bwoy noted that officially marrying her is something that is still on his mind.

"The right time is coming, it could be this year, tomorrow or next year," he said. Nadia pointed out that in the past they had planned a traditional wedding which ultimately did not work out.

"We were also planning a traditional wedding but we disagreed and broke up for a while," she said.

She said he had already informed her father about the plan. In the interview, the lovers revealed that they separated for a period of about two weeks last year.

The two explained that they went their separate ways following a domestic dispute while Nadia revealed that her husband left the house after they argued.

"I left under a bit of pressure. You know when you're with your partner and then you see things go wrong, sometimes it's good to give yourself a chance," Arrow Bwoy defended himself.

He pointed out that the pride between them made them not sit down and resolve their dispute. Nadia admitted that she was overwhelmed by many things that hit her after giving birth early last year.

The couple revealed that after about two weeks, Arrow Bwoy returned home and they resolved their dispute.

"We sat down and talked. He didn't apologize. He just came and asked his son to come," Nadia said.