Ringtone defends requesting gifts on TikTok

A few months ago, the musician had mocked the platform.

Image: Instagram

Controversial gospel artist Alex Ringtone Apoko has defended his decision to join the short video platform TikTok, several months after mocking the platform.

Speaking to entertainment journalists, Apoko admitted that he has indeed joined TikTok, but he referred to it as a rare opportunity to reach people at night with the Word of God, a time when many are engaged in what he described as ‘unpleasant in the eyes of God’ activities.

“I’m on TikTok because I got the chance to reach people at night, a time when people are saying worldly things. So, I went there to be that one person for Jesus saying ‘tap the screen, Jesus will bless you, He loves you, Jesus is coming,’ you see?” Ringtone explained.

The artist also stated that he doesn’t see anything wrong with joining the platform and requesting gifts.

He mentioned that it has become a norm for anyone going LIVE on TikTok to ask for gifts, and revealed that while he does receive gifts, his main goal is to preach the Word of God to TikTok users.

“So, I got the opportunity to preach God’s Word, but on TikTok, it’s a rule that you must ask for gifts like flowers and lions. Now, I can’t go there and break the rules. I get lions and flowers, but more than that, I’m preaching the Word of God,” he defended himself.