How marriage has helped Guardian Angel reduces stress

Speaking with entertainment reporters, Angel shared one of the key things that had helped him avoid slipping into depression and stress

Guardian Angel with Esther Musila.
Image: Instagram

Gospel artist Guardian Angel has revealed how he manages to avoid stress, especially in his marriage.

Speaking with entertainment reporters, Angel shared that one of the key things that has helped him avoid slipping into depression and stress is talking openly with his partner, Esther Musila, whenever he feels he's facing challenges.

“For me, I feel that in my marriage, what has helped me is talking about everything. There’s nothing that I feel is bothering me that I can’t discuss. For example, if my wife says or does something that doesn’t happen all the time, and if something is not going well and is troubling me, I make sure to talk about it,” Angel said.

The artist emphasised that conversation is the best way to alleviate stress for anyone and advised people, especially men, to embrace dialogue as a way to resolve their issues.

He suggested that if someone struggles to open up to their spouse, they should find someone close to them who can understand, and if not, they should turn to God.

“Talking has really helped me a lot, and if she feels something is not right, we also talk about everything. If God has blessed you with someone you can talk to, then talk. Don’t hide anything in your heart, whether it's bad or good; it’s a way to relieve the burden of things piling up in your heart.”

“Talking is everything. Conversation is the only way to connect with others. If you're going through something, talk to your wife. If you can’t talk to your wife, find someone you know can understand, and if they can’t, there’s one place you can always go—tell God,” he added.