John-Allan Namu addresses reports of being funded by the Ford Foundation

John Allan Namu explains his relationship with the Ford Foundation

John-Allan Namu

Media personality John-Allan Namu has cleared the air of reports of being founded by the Ford Foundation.

A popular Blogger shared a screenshot that shows that Namu’s Media Company Africa Uncensored is one of the beneficiaries of the Ford Foundation.

These prompted Namu to set the record straight- acknowledging that Ford has founded some of their projects and his is ready to defend their work.  

“This is true. We have never denied or hidden our sources of funding or partnerships. I have always said that the proof of our intentions is the work we do. I'm ready to defend all the work we have put in,” John-Allan Namu said.

Namu's company received a grant from Ford Foundation to do a story on : 

"Project Mulika: Investigating corruption and fostering new narratives in Kenya's public discourse'.

What is a Grant? 

A grant is a fund given by a person or organization, often a public body, charitable foundation, a specialised grant-making institution, or in some cases a business with a corporate social responsibility. 

On July 19, 2024, he issued another statement defending his relationship with the Ford Foundation.

He also condemned the attacks being projected on several media houses in Kenya over their coverage of the Gen Z protests.

The Africa Uncensored CEO added that he is grateful for the support he is getting from his fans online.

John-Allan Namu

Here is John-Allan Namu’s statement

“Today, I want to express my gratitude for the many messages I've received, which indicate that a large number of you recognize the vile attempt to discredit the work of Africa Uncensored. Thank you all. ‘

You have upheld our work as a beacon, corrected us when we were wrong, and now you stand with us. However, this fight is about more than just our credibility; it is about everyone's voices.

Royal Media Services' flagship television station Citizen Television is currently facing another coordinated disinformation campaign.

Previously, The Nation Media Group and Standard Media Group have faced similar attacks. I've added links to some of our reports on these campaigns in the thread below. We are also facing nefarious onslaughts in the courts via SLAPP suits i.e. legal action filed by an individual or organization primarily to intimidate, silence, or censor critics by burdening them with the cost and effort of a legal defense.

The situation has now escalated to include the abductions of journalists. Media freedom is the lifeblood through which journalism flourishes, but it is not a privilege only for journalists.

 Over the past month, we've witnessed numerous arbitrary arrests and abductions of Kenyans who have chosen to use their voices.

Even more grim is that some of those who have disappeared for exercising their rights have been found murdered.

If you have ever wondered what it would be like to live in a time when your freedoms were at stake, wonder no more. We at Africa Uncensored stand by our and our professional colleagues' right to report and enjoy the freedoms guaranteed by our constitution to the fullest extent, in line with our code of ethics. We stand by your right to use your voices in the same way.



Who are the Ford Foundation

President William Ruto, in a recent speech in Nakuru, implicated the Ford Foundation, alleging their involvement in funding the demonstrations, which the foundation has strenuously denied.

But what ties does the Ford Foundation have to Kenya? Here’s the connection:

The Ford Foundation is an American private foundation dedicated to advancing human welfare. Established in 1936 by Edsel Ford and his father, Henry Ford, it initially received a US$25,000 gift from Edsel Ford.

It is a prominent American philanthropic organization, that has significantly influenced Kenya’s social and economic landscape since its establishment in 1963, coinciding with Kenya’s independence.

Initially focused on strengthening Kenya’s emerging institutions, the Foundation provided critical grants to institutions like the University of Nairobi, supporting the education of future leaders and civil servants.

Beyond infrastructure, the Ford Foundation has been a champion of civil justice and social change, advocating for marginalized communities' rights, promoting artistic expression, and encouraging civic engagement.

This commitment is evident in initiatives such as the "Creativity and Civic Space" grant, which supports Kenyan artists and activists through fellowship programs.