New salary increment for MPs, MCAs and Cabinet Secretaries

Ruto said the measures will help reduce government expenditure, starting with the Office of the President.

Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) has recently implemented a new compensation structure for state officers in Kenya.

However, this pay rise has caused controversy, given the financial challenges faced by many Kenyans.

President William Ruto had earlier directed various austerity measures to be undertaken by his administration to cut the budget.

Ruto said the measures will help reduce government expenditure, starting with the Office of the President.

This came after he sent the Finance Bill 2024 back to the National Assembly asking MPs to delete all clauses.

The Members of Parliament

Their gross monthly salary has increased from Sh621,250 to Sh710,000.

Additionally, all MPs and Senators will receive an extra Sh 88,750, bringing the parliamentary wage bill to Sh3.5 billion.


The members of the County Assembly's gross salaries have been increased to Sh164,588 from Sh154,481.

Parliament leaders 

National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetang’ula and Senate Speaker Amason Kingi now earn a gross salary of Sh1,208,362, up from Sh1,185,327.

Deputy Speakers Gladys Boss Shollei and Kathuri Murungi receive Sh966,690, up from Sh948,261.

Leader of the Majority Kimani Ichung’wah and Minority Leader Opiyo Wandayi earn Sh800,019.

Cabinet Secretaries

In the executive, Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi, Cabinet Secretaries, and the Attorney General were among the biggest beneficiaries with a salary raise of Ksh33,000.

They will be earning Sh990,000 from Sh957,000 paid to them last month.

Not to leave behind Principal Secretaries, Inspector General of Police Japhet Koome, and the National Intelligence Service director.

They will be earning Sh819,844 this month. Previously, their salary was quoted as Sh792,519, marking an increment of Sh27,325.

County Government

In addition, the new salaries will be taking effect in the county governments. All governors are set to earn Sh990,000 from this month.

This is an increase of Sh33,000 from their previous quote of Sh957,000.

Deputy Governors will also get an increase from Sh652,742 to Sh684,233.

On the other hand, Members of the Executive Committee (county ministers) will now be earning Sh422,526 from the previous Sh413,079.