Reason Alfred Keter was arrested

The DCI reported that the former MP was booked at Kamukunji Police Station and later released pending a forensic analysis of the exhibits.

Alfred Keter
Image: The-Star

The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) has announced the arrest of former Nandi Hills MP Alfred Keter in connection with an ongoing investigation into allegations of "conspiracy to traffic firearms and incitement to violence."

The DCI refuted claims circulating on social media that Keter had been abducted, clarifying that he was apprehended by officers from the National Police Service.

"Contrary to the misinformation circulating on social media regarding the alleged abduction of Hon. Alfred Keter by unknown men, we confirm that Hon. Keter was arrested earlier today by NPS Officers for Conspiracy to Traffic Firearms and Incitement to Violence," the DCI stated.

The DCI reported that the former MP was booked at Kamukunji Police Station and later released pending a forensic analysis of the exhibits.

"Following the forensic analysis, the file will be forwarded to the ODPP for direction. Police urge members of the public to refrain from acts of violence, hate speech, and malice to maintain peace and security in our beloved country," the DCI added.

Earlier, police confirmed the dramatic arrest of former Nandi Hills MP Alfred Keter on a road in Kileleshwa, Nairobi.

According to the police, the dramatic arrest was staged after Keter allegedly resisted arrest, an incident that was caught on camera.

"We tried to arrest him peacefully, but he resisted. He is under investigation for some allegations and other issues," said an officer familiar with the incident.

Details of the allegations against Keter were not published as he was unavailable for comment at the time of going to press.