Watch: Wife drags hubby to pastor for gambling addiction

She said her husband had gone so far as to sell his mother’s motorbikes and used all the money to gamble.

The woman
Image: Screengrab

A woman has caused a stir on social media after dragging her husband directly to the pastor of their church, accusing him of having a gambling addiction.

In a video that is now attracting mixed reactions on TikTok, the woman took her husband to the pastor, accusing him of having a gambling addiction that has escalated to the point where he sells household items and property to fund his gambling habit.

She said her husband had gone so far as to sell his mother’s motorbikes and used all the money to gamble, ending up losing everything and returning home empty-handed, intending to sell something else to recover the lost money.

She revealed that her mother-in-law, who is a businesswoman, has been financially supporting them. She pleaded with the pastor to save them by intervening with her husband.