Politician's fight during burial of Ex-MP Ndile's wife

Kivutha Kibwana joined some of the bereaved family members in shielding the deceased's casket.

Kibwezi West MP Mwengi Mutuse (C) charges at Wiper nominated MCA Albanus Wambua during Magdalene Kalembe's burial ceremony at Mbui Nzau village in Kibwezi West, Makueni County on June 28, 2024.
Image: Screengrab

Drama erupted on Friday during the burial of Magdalene Kalembe, the widow of the late Kalembe Ndile, former Kibwezi West MP.

Chaos disrupted the proceedings, turning the event into a battleground and forcing mourners to flee for safety.

The commotion began when Kibwezi West MP Mwengi Mutuse and Wiper-nominated MCA Albanus Wambua nearly engaged in a fistfight during the burial ceremony at Mbui Nzau village in Kibwezi West, Makueni County.

The melee started from a quarrel between the two legislators, who were seated close together during the ceremony, with Makueni Senator Dan Maanzo and Governor Mutula Kilonzo Junior seated to their right.

In video footage obtained by the Star, Mutuse is seen speaking to Wambua and pointing at him in a confrontational manner. Mutuse then stands and charges towards Wambua before being restrained by a group of people. Wambua is also held back from reaching Mutuse.

Both politicians were led out of the tent where they had been sitting with other dignitaries.

Meanwhile, Maanzo and Kilonzo Junior were quickly escorted to safety as the mayhem erupted. Mourners and guests scattered, leaving the tents in disarray, with chairs overturned.

Kibwezi West MP Mwengi Mutuse (C) charges at Wiper nominated MCA Albanus Wambua during Magdalene Kalembe's burial ceremony at Mbui Nzau village in Kibwezi West, Makueni County.
Image: Screengrab

Former Makueni Governor Kivutha Kibwana joined some bereaved family members in shielding the casket as the scene grew chaotic.

Magdalene, who passed away while serving as a nominated MCA in the County Assembly of Makueni, was being laid to rest.

Some mourners, believed to be family members, sobbed as the drama unfolded and pleaded with the warring parties to move away from the casket.

"Tokeni hapo, tokeni hapo," they shouted.

The situation eventually calmed down, and the burial ceremony resumed after mourners returned to the venue.

Classic105 could not immediately establish the cause of the disagreement between the two politicians.