Eric Omondi: If you have Fred Omondi's kids please bring them to me

Terrence and Eric demanded that incase anyone has Fred's child should take the child to them

Photos from Fred Omondi's memorial service in Nairobi

Today at the memorial service of Fred Omondi at Chiromo Chapel, the brother to the late, Eric Omondi, gave a comical remark.

Terrence first announced how they did not want to give the late Fred Omondi a bad reputation for debts or anything else.

Hatutaki tupatie ndugu yetu jina mbaya. Kama kuna deni yako Freddy ako nayo utatuona hapa tutamalizana,'' he said. 

''Kama ukona mtoto wa Fred utatuona hapa tutalea.'' Terrence added.

Eric Omondi responded that already two had been brought which left the crowd burst into laughter, ''Kuna wawili huku. Wawili washafika home. Walete tutalea.''

Terrence and Eric demanded that in case anyone has Fred's child should take the child to them.

Terrence continued to narrate how he knew of Fred's death which left him devastated.

''I was the first person to receive the news before Eric and the family. When the incident happened coincidentally the officer in charge was my friend,'' he said.

He continued saying that the officer confirmed to him Fred, Eric's brother, was dead and even showed him the national ID they found on the dead person was Fred's.

Terrence then said how his wife and he were heartbroken and shocked at the news received. They immediately informed the family and everyone close of the news.

Besides that, Terrence complimented Eric Omondi's family for how good they have been to them since they met.

''They made you comfortable as a family for so long.''