Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua loses his elder sister

Gachagua expressed his deep sorrow and grief over the death of his sister.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua loses his elder sister 

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua and his family are in mourning following the untimely demise of his elder sister, Leah Wangari Muriuki.

Gachagua expressed his deep sorrow and grief over the death of his sister.

Leah Wangari Muriuki was more than just a sister to the Deputy President; she was the matriarch of the Gachagua family.

“I am saddened to receive news of the passing on of our eldest sister Leah Wangari Muriuki. Leah has been our Mother and the family Matriarch; she has taken good care of the larger Gachagua Family after the death of our father and our two mothers.

“We are devastated by the loss of this family head. My deepest condolences to her husband, her children and grandchildren.  This is a very difficult week for me as a national leader and a family man.  May the Lord heal our Nation and families,” read Gachagua’s message.

Leah Wangari Muriuki's death is the latest in a series of tragic losses for DP Gachagua.

In May 2022, just a month before the General Elections, he buried his older brother, James Gachagua, who had been a major influence on his political career.

In September 2022, another brother, Jack Reriani, passed away. Nyeri Governor Mutahi Kahiga paid tribute to Reriani, remembering him as a generous man who had supported Gachagua's education.