David Ndii -Why govt introduced controversial finance bill

According to Ndii, some of those protesting against the bill were children of corrupt officials from previous government regimes.

David Ndii

Chairman of the President's Council of Economic Advisors, David Ndii, addressed the controversy surrounding this year's Finance Bill on Saturday, June 22.

Using his X account, the economist accused past administrations of plunging the country into massive debt through corruption.

He noted that the significant debt forced the government to introduce the 2024 Finance Bill to help reduce the country's debt levels.

"The irony of these children opposing the Finance Bill without knowing it is that they are children of the looters who bankrupted the government," Ndii claimed.

According to Ndii, some of those protesting against the bill were children of corrupt officials from previous government regimes.

"Do you want to know where the money went? Look around you, visit your aunts, ask your parents. It bought houses, cars, vacations, it paid for your college," Ndii said.

"Here's the thing, class warfare worked once, now you think class warfare has a second charm with the young people."

Ndii reiterated that the government would not be intimidated by street protests into changing its stance on the 2024 Finance Bill.

He also urged the protesting youth to accept and support the government's tax measures, which he claimed were aimed at reviving the country's economy.

"Here's the deal. The country will change, and you are welcome to join, but be careful when you're throwing stones," David Ndii explained.