Babu Owino's warning to cops shooting protestors

His statement follows the alleged police shooting of Rex Kanyike Masai, a 29-year-old protester, during anti-Finance Bill demonstrations in Nairobi on Thursday.

Babu Owino
Image: Instagram

Embakasi East Member of Parliament Babu Owino has urged police officers not to be complicit in suppressing Kenyans' right to protest.

His appeal follows the alleged police shooting of Rex Kanyike Masai, a 29-year-old protester, during anti-Finance Bill demonstrations in Nairobi on Thursday.

The incident reportedly occurred around 7 pm on Moi Avenue, with an aerial video capturing the moment Masai was shot.

The politician condemned the police's actions, stating, "I am warning police officers, do not be used to break the law.

Your child, sister, or brother could easily be in that crowd." He emphasised that the loss of life would not be tolerated and called for accountability.

Babu also expressed concern over the increasing number of police officers wearing masks to conceal their identities during official duties.

He warned that if individual officers could not be held accountable, they would hold the Inspector General of Police, Japheth Koome, personally responsible.

The shooting occurred as police pushed protesters from various parts of the city, including Kenyatta Avenue and City Hall Way, to Moi Avenue.

Witnesses claimed that a plain-clothed officer opened fire on the group as they gathered and danced to music from a nearby club.

Masai was struck in the leg and later died at Bliss Hospital Moi Avenue while receiving treatment.

The incident has sparked outrage and calls for justice, with the body moved to the mortuary pending an autopsy.