Why these 3 celebs had supported the Finance Bill

One of the celebs was even dumped by his girlfriend after he announced his support

Musician KRG The Don and content creator Cassy Pool have supported the Finance Bill 2024, urging Kenyans to do the same.

However, in a recent interview, Cassy Pool changed his stance, advocating for rejecting the bill and encouraging Kenyans to join him.

"The President wants the best for the country. We may struggle for a short time, but we will become like Singapore and Dubai," he said.

He reassured Kenyans that the additional taxes were not meant to harass but to generate revenue for national development.

Despite describing the Finance Bill as "a small thing," many Kenyans criticised him online for his support.

Cassy Pool expressed confusion over the backlash, asking, "What's the problem with me supporting the Finance Bill?"

He also criticised the protesters, claiming they were acting foolishly and were not fully informed about the bill's contents.

KRG also supported the Finance Bill, criticising Kenyans who opposed it. He argued that the bill was not problematic and that the issue was personal.

KRG accused celebrities participating in the demonstrations of clout chasing, claiming they were protesting only for content and likes.

"If they were truly fighting for their rights, at least two of them would have been arrested," he said.

Kenyan YouTuber Nebz is also among those who criticized people opposing the Finance Bill. He stated that those against it are simply lazy and need to find ways to increase their income.

Nebz stressed the importance of taxes for generating revenue for infrastructure and debt repayment in the country.

Following his speech, Nebz's girlfriend announced their breakup, saying, "I'm single guys, don't associate me with those who lack thinking and intelligence."