Electricity bills to go up by Sh3 on new pricing

This comes despite fuel prices dropping and gaining shilling against the dollar.

Image: The-Star

Electricity bills are set to increase by 359 cents (about Sh3.50 per unit), according to the Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA), as generators account for production costs.

This comes despite a drop in fuel prices and a favorable exchange rate for the Kenyan shilling.

EPRA's Director General, Daniel Kiptoo, announced the increase in a gazette notice, citing various diesel plants experiencing pricing hikes.

This follows a reduction in power bills announced in April, linked to fuel cost adjustments and foreign exchange fluctuations.

Despite efforts by the Energy Ministry to address system losses and improve efficiency, Kenya Power continues to struggle with high system losses, reported at 23% in December.

Energy Cabinet Secretary Davis Chirchir stressed the need to reduce these losses to lower electricity costs.

Chirchir also mentioned that improving energy efficiency could enhance energy security, reduce foreign currency expenditure on energy imports, and lower emissions costs.

Kenya Power's new Strategic Plan (2023/24 – 2027/28) aims to tackle system losses and improve infrastructure.

Chirchir highlighted that Kenya needs $5.3 billion to upgrade power transmission lines and prevent frequent blackouts.