Ian Njoroge apologises to cop he assaulted

The teenager who denied robbery with violence and causing grievous harm charges is out on bond following the intervention of former Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko.

Former Nairobi governor Mike Sonko with Ian Njoroge and his family in Nairobi on June 14, 2024.

Ian Njoroge, the 19-year-old charged with assaulting a police officer during a traffic stop in Mirema, has issued a formal apology for his actions.

The apology took place at the offices of former Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko, with Ian's parents and Sonko present.

"I would like to sincerely apologize to the State and to Mr. Jacob Ogendo. I deeply regret my actions, and I assure you it will never happen again," Ian stated, facing the camera with a solemn expression.

Sonko, acknowledging Ian's apology, commented, "Very good," while Ian's parents also expressed their remorse under Sonko's guidance.

Ian's mother added, "I stand with my son to apologize to the State, the police force, and specifically to Mr. Jacob Ogendo. I am deeply sorry. And I want to thank Mr. Mike Sonko for his timely intervention and support."

She concluded with gratitude, "May the Lord bless you," to which Sonko responded warmly.

Sonko, reflecting on the incident, shared, "Ian Njoroge is now out, thanks to God. Though he sustained minor injuries, his mother and father are here. Mistakes were made."

He continued, "As parents, we know children can err. Ian wasn't forced to apologize, but he deeply regrets his actions. I've spoken with him, and he assures me it won't happen again."

Sonko, known for mentoring youth, pledged to take Ian under his wing going forward.

"I will mentor Ian from now on. I may not know Ian or his parents well, but as a leader, on behalf of this family and Ian, we apologize to the public, the National Police Service, and officers across the country in uniform," Sonko affirmed.