Eric Omondi's younger brother Fred Omondi is dead

The comedian was receiving treatment at Mama Lucy Hospital when he passed away.

Fred Omondi
Image: Instagram

Comedian Fred Omondi has passed away. The younger brother of Eric Omondi, Fred was recovering at Mama Lucy Hospital following a reported road accident.

The heartbreaking news was confirmed by fellow comedian and content creator Terence Creative on his Instagram account, where he shared an emotional tribute.

"TODAY AT 6AM I RECEIVED THE SADDEST CALL EVER 💔🖤 It hurts so much... Fred, I thank God for the time we had together.

You've been a crucial part of my career and growth in the industry. You always treated me like a brother, gave me a place to stay when I had nowhere to go, provided me with a stage, and paid me.

Together, we launched club comedy shows. I will always treasure the moments we shared on stage at Tribeka, Taj Mall, Hearts, iClub, and more until we reached the Churchill Show and eventually hosted our first TV show together, KTN Crazy Comedy," he wrote.

He continued, "Together, we faced challenges, learned, inspired others, made people laugh, and created wonderful memories. I will hold all these moments dearly.

Freddy, you were an exceptional person. There is so much I could say about you, but all I can express now is that you did well, and you will be remembered and missed. Go well, bro."