Last message Njambi Koikai sent her dad before her death

In a funeral program obtained by Classic105, Mr. Koikai reflected on their relationship, acknowledging both the good and difficult times they experienced.

From L to R: Daniel Koikai and Jahmby Koikai
Image: Courtesy

Mr. Daniel Koikai, father of the late Mary Njambi Koikai, also known as Njambi 'Jahmby' Koikai, has shared poignant memories of his final moments with his daughter.

In a funeral program obtained by Classic105, Mr. Koikai reflected on their relationship, acknowledging both the good and difficult times they experienced.

He explained that they only met when Njambi was in high school, as he had been working abroad during her early years.

"When times were good, we would go shopping and have lunch at various restaurants in the city. You enjoyed our meetings very much, and I deeply miss those moments we shared. During the bad times, we would go days or even months without talking, something I blame myself for and will always regret, as I've now lost the chance to make things right with you," Mr. Koikai wrote.

He also revealed a message Njambi sent him just a day before she passed away. In her message, Njambi, who was hospitalized at the time, expressed her gratitude and requested a few items.

"Hi Dad, I hope you got home safely. I need a red berry orange water from Del Monte and fresh orange and passion fruit juice. The doctors are here, so I’ll have to go. We’ll talk tomorrow. It was good to see you and reconnect," Njambi’s message read.

Mr. Koikai also shared a special message Njambi gave him and her mother, Ms. Stella Wambui, on the night she passed away.

"In the hospital near your bed, with your mother present, the night you left us, you told me that we are one blood and you were happy I came. We reconnected, and I hope we will reconnect again one day," Mr. Koikai revealed.

He concluded by wishing for his daughter's soul to rest in eternal peace.