Watch: Man confesses having affair with another man's wife

The unidentified man admitted that he knows what he is doing is very risky and could cost him dearly.

The man
Image: Screengrab

A middle-aged man has shocked many after uploading a video confessing that he is having an affair with another man's wife.

The man surprised many by explaining that even in the video, he was in the woman's house despite knowing she is married. He mentioned that every time he enters the house, he prays not to be caught by the woman's husband.

The unidentified man admitted that he knows what he is doing is very risky and could cost him dearly.

However, he pleaded not to be caught by the husband or anyone else.

The man stated that if he is eventually caught, people should not beat him but rather hand him over to the police.

“This thing I'm doing, if I'm caught, take me to the police,” he said.

He shared his video while in the woman's house, with the bed appearing disheveled from activities.

Check out the following comments...

thriftwearbybellz said: "Only a few men are suitable for this country."

estherwhytebassey said: “How can you even allow someone with such lips and teeth to sleep with you? 😭”

chinonso_anusionwu commented: "Trust social media at your own risk, this could be his house and bed 🤣"

amyxious_bubz wrote: “Look at a man, a brother, and a father. Shame, shame 😔”

mzz_vikky commented: “Every day is for the thief, but one day is for the owner. Enjoy it while it lasts.”

Watch the video here;