Place where Cheruiyot Kirui died named in his honour

Kirui, a banker by profession, began his journey to climb Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world, accompanied by Nepalese guide Nawang Sherpa.

Cheruiyot Kirui
Image: Instagram

The place where mountaineer Cheruiyot Kirui died on Mount Everest has been named after him in his honour.

The Everest Today organization reported that Kirui's body was found at 8,800 meters, just 48 meters from the summit of the world's highest mountain.

His family stated that it is impossible to piece together the series of events that led to his death but is certain that Kirui and his Nepalese guide fell.

Everest Today, which documents mountaineering activities in the Himalayas, announced that Kirui will be honored by naming the place where he died after him.

This, they said, is to recognize his bravery as the first African to nearly reach the summit of Mount Everest without supplementary oxygen.

"Let us name the place where Cheruiyot Kirui died on Mount Everest (8,848.86 meters) 'Cheruiyot Point' in honor of the first African to almost reach the summit of Everest without supplementary oxygen," Everest Today said in a statement.

Everest Today further suggested that a mountain in Kenya should be named after the mountaineering expert to honor him in his home country.

"Additionally, there should be a mountain named Cheruiyot Kirui 'Mt Cheruiyot' in Kenya in honor of the first African who nearly reached the summit of Everest without supplementary oxygen."

Kirui, a banker by profession, began his journey to climb Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world, accompanied by Nepalese guide Nawang Sherpa.

The fact that he attempted the climb without supplementary oxygen highlights his determination, bravery, and relentless pursuit of a grand goal despite the risks.

Kirui's memory will remain in the hearts and minds of his family, friends, and colleagues for many years.

The tragic end of his daring expedition serves as a poignant reminder of the extreme challenges and dangers faced by mountaineers.

Any altitude above 8,000 meters is known as the "death zone."