Benefits Kenya received from the US during the President's state visit.

From President Ruto's state visit to the US, Kenya has received tremendous gifts from the Whitehouse from the deals that the president has secured.

The deals cover various fields including; Trade and Investment, Education, Security, Technology Cooperation as well as Health and Governance.

These include:

  *The president signed a deal with the United States of Sh477 billion ($3.6b) to facilitate the Nairobi -Mombasa expressway that will have 4-6 dual lane dual carriage. Although this will take 3-4 years to complete, it will be Africa's biggest toll road.

   *Kenya and Kenyan companies are more so to receive 90million for funding from the US after the President's state visit.

   *US is to Expand Manda Bay Airstrip to Almost the Size of JKIA After Ruto's Visit. US to build a 10,000-foot runway at Manda Bay Airfield in Lamu.

  *Kenya is to also receive Ksh290 million for prison improvement.

 *Kenya to receive 8 Hueys and 8 MD-500 Helicopters between late 2024 and mid-2025 from the US to bolster regional peace and security. Despite the agreement, Kenya will formally receive the US-manufactured helicopters between late 2024 and mid-2025.

  *US will gift Kenya Ksh3.2 billion for the Kenya Primary Literacy Program for grade 1-3 learners.

  *In addition, Kenya is to receive Ksh561 million from the United States for anti-corruption initiatives.

  *US agreed to offer Kenyan Real Estate company Ksh24 billion for affordable housing. “The Development Finance Corporation recently approved an approximately $180 million (Ksh23.4 billion) loan to, a real estate developer that constructs and operates affordable student housing in Kenya,” stated the White House.

  *U.S. announced to give Ksh198 million support for Kenya's electoral reform ahead of the 2027 elections. 

  *KDF candidates are to start courses at the U.S. Military Academy, the U.S. Naval Academy, and the U.S. Air Force Academy.

  *It was announced that Kenya and the US had inked a Sh900 billion deal to advance the war against HIV/AIDS.

  *Also signed a deal of Sh528 million between the US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Ministry of Health. This is to foster best practices in information sharing and defining steps for the development and full launch of the Kenyan National Public Health Institute.

  *Kenya is also to receive Sh5.28 billion from the US for democracy, human rights and governance programming

  *Kenya orders 150 M1117 armored security vehicles from the US to arrive in September 2024

  *Kenya to receive Sh924 million from the US for the modernisation and professionalisation of the National Police Service

  *Kenyan Fintech Company Receives US-Backed Loan of Ksh7 Billion. This loan is part of the agreements between the US and Kenya, marking a significant milestone in their relations. It comes under the Digital Transformation with Africa (DTA), a collaboration of the US and allied government and private sectors.