Robert Kiyosaki on why it took him long to visit Kenya

Robert is an American businessman and an author of rich dad poor dad and other series of personal finance books.

'Rich Dad Poor Dad' author Robert Kiyosaki

'Rich Dad Poor Dad' author Robert Kiyosaki has finally landed in Kenya for the first time as he starts his Kenyan tour.

Upon his landing, Kiyosaki gave reasons as to why he had been delaying his visit despite coming to Africa annually for the past 20 years.

Robert is an American businessman and an author of rich dad poor dad and other series of personal finance books. 

Besides being known for being the author of a best-selling book, he took it to the internet that he is also a hunter.

He had not stepped foot in Kenya and the main reason is because he is a hunter yet Kenya banned hunting in the 1960s. This was a measure taken by the country to protect its wildlife.

Robert had been visiting Africa once a year and now that he is in Kenya this is what he had to say, ''I am in Nairobi, Kenya. I have never been here before, although I have been coming to Africa about once a year for about 20 years. The reason I never came to Kenya is because they outlawed hunting in the 1960s and I am a hunter. I am glad I am in Kenya today because I now understand how smart their leaders were, banning people like me….a hunter.''

He added by complimenting the country and how good he has found it to be especially in its wildlife.


 ''Kenya is perfect for animal lovers like my wife Kim who protects and loves all animals. The world is big enough to grant people with opposing points of view, their own point of view. I commend Kenya for taking a stand for Africa and to protect the animals,'' he said.