Eddie Butita reveals details of his conversation with Steve Harvey in US

"I saw you on YouTube," Steve Harvey said to Butita.

President Ruto, Butita meet Steve Harvey at Tyler Perry Studios

Award-winning comedian and Scriptwriter  Eddie Butita has revealed details of his conversation with American actor and TV Host Steve Harvey.

The two met during a luncheon at Tyle Perry Studios while in the company of President William Ruto and his delegation to the US. 

According to Butita he has dreamt of meeting Steve Harvey for over 14 years now and their encounter was a dream come true.

"I saw you on YouTube," Steve Harvey said to Butita.

"Thank you Mr President for this honourable connection, meeting Steve Harvey Has been a dream for the past 14 years today it has become a reality," Harvey added.

Butita revealed that he discussed with Harvey on ways to improve showbiz in Kenya.

"We had great conversations on how to equip and train talents for business success in showbiz; it is show and business and I'm happy our creatives are factored in these conversations," he said.

On Tuesday, Ruto among other leaders visited the Tyler Perry Studio in Atlanta where they met the celebrated TV host and comedian.

Before they departed for the US, Butita expressed joy and thanked the President for the opportunity.

"I'm leaving for the USA today. Thank you, His Excellency President William Samoei Ruto, for choosing me to accompany you to the United States Of America state visit hosted by the USA President, His Excellency President Joe Biden," he said in a statement.

"The fact that I'm part of the head of the state delegation is a clear sign, and we are happy that the creative industry is part of the conversations we are going to have during this trip."

This will not be the first time Butita has interacted with the President.

In March, Butita jokingly advised Ruto to monetise his Facebook page to enable him earn more money.

Speaking at State House during the president's meeting with the Facebook Management Team on monetisation, Butita said," Last year Mr President you mentioned that I earn more than your salary, I think this year you will overtake me because you have a Facebook page, all you need to do is monetise it."

The comedian on a light note said that the president would make 'some good money after tax' if he followed his advice.

Ruto in 2023 claimed that Butita was earning more from content creation compared to what his take home as head of state.