Vera - Gen Z are always complaining

Feeling pissed and disappointed, Vera took to her Instagram to address Gen Zs after seeing a comment on Kate Actress's post.

The longstanding rivalry between Gen Z and millennials has caused Vera Sidika to address the divide.

Feeling pissed and disappointed, Vera took to her Instagram to address Gen Zs after seeing a comment on Kate Actress's post.

Kate Actress, who belongs to the same generation as Vera Sidika, had been chosen by the president to accompany him on his trip to the United States of America.

She posted the heartwarming news on her Instagram, only to receive a backlash from someone saying, "the aging celebrities should rest, now next gen."

Vera Sidika's story.
Image: Instagram

Vera went on to address Gen Z by telling them to work hard.

She said, "We all have the same 24 hours in a day, use it wisely." She further added sarcastically, "Y'all waiting for someone to spoon-feed you to success."

Vera advised Gen Z to pull up their socks and stop complaining, emphasizing that no one should rest for someone else to succeed; everyone needs to work hard for their own success.

Frustrated by the recklessness and laziness of Gen Z, she aggressively stated that no one is stopping them from working as there's enough money for everyone.

Vera Sidika's story.
Image: Instagram

After the message, she congratulated Kate for her big move with a catchy message telling her there was more in store for her. 

Vera Sidika's story.
Image: Instagram,