Morgan Bahati's heartwarming conversation with Diana

Diana Marua is a YouTuber, musician, and content creator. She is also the wife of musician Bahati.

Diana Marua Bahati posted on her social media platforms having a heartfelt conversation with her son, Morgan Bahati.

Morgan was spitting words of wisdom on life as a teenage high school student.

Diana Marua is a YouTuber, musician, and content creator. She is also the wife of musician Bahati.

Morgan is their adopted child who is the first born as well. He has been taken to a boarding school where he's encountered culture shock. In the video, he spoke of how the school is different from his previous one, Juja Preparatory, but he had to cope.

Morgan said that as he went to the new school he had to adjust since the school was a bit low than his previous one. He talked of how life can take a turn regardless of your status. He advised people that they should always accept reality and try to strive in the situation that life has placed them.

He added by saying, ''Don't  be a person of too much pride.'' 

His mother asked him , what keeps him going and Morgan's answer was wholesome.

He explained how his biggest inspiration is making his parents proud. 

He said that as the first born he wants to be a good example to his siblings. 

He added how his family is what he loves most and the fact that he's seen his father in the highs and lows, it keeps him going every day.

Morgan's speech showed appreciation on the efforts that his parents have put out there. He reminisced about the time when they were not rich and famous, being grateful for the journey. 

The Bahatis name is a popular name amongst Kenya and East Africa. 

Morgan narrated how he has become popular and can't go anywhere without being noticed.

Speaking on spiritual matters, he showed how God comes first in his life. 

He tells how he prays four times a day while in school because his success depends on God.

Diana urges him to always hold on to God and that she together with his father will always support him in prayers.

This conversation between Morgan and his mother inspires a lot of people. He is such a young man but full of wisdom. 

Most teenagers always find it hard to put their heads up no matter what they are going though. Most people only want to have the good life without putting in the effort.

People also tend to forget that pride comes before  a fall, as Morgan said one needs not to be proud.

With this we can also derive that, emotional conversations in a family is very important. Lack of this is a big challenge to teenagers because they feel like they are not heard or helped. Besides that, it also builds a bond between parent and children. 

It gives the child a sense of direction and to refer to Morgan saying that focus is the most important aspect of life.