Itumbi: I'll put up fight to ensure worldcoin comes back to Kenya

He argued before the ban, Worldcoin traded at Sh7 something he said has since climbed to Sh48.

Dennis Itumbi
Image: Instagram

Digital strategist Dennis Itumbi has pledged to advocate for the reinstatement of the cryptocurrency project Worldcoin in Kenya.

"Itumbi stated that while the government has already taken a position about it, he is of the view that the ban should be lifted.

'I hold that Worldcoin should come back to Kenya...and, I am going to put up a fight in all the relevant tables to ensure it returns,' he stated."

Speaking to students at Mt Kenya University, Itumbi underscored the importance of Kenyan youth exploring digital currency, highlighting its potential.

He argued that prior to the ban, Worldcoin traded at Sh7, a value that has since climbed to Sh48. He projected that this value could surpass Sh1,000 in the next one or two years.

The project was prohibited in the country in August last year following concerns raised by various ministries and agencies.

The Communications Authority of Kenya (CAK) raised questions about the storage of biometric data and the exchange of money for data. It also expressed concern about the accumulation of extensive data in the hands of a private company.

According to its owners, Worldcoin aimed to establish a new global "identity and financial network".

"We are creating the world's largest identity and financial network as a public utility, giving ownership to everyone. And establishing universal access to the global economy regardless of country or background," a statement on its website reads.

This isn't the first time Itumbi has defended Worldcoin.

Early this month, he reiterated a similar call for its return, emphasizing that banning is not the solution.

"I agree with the Data Commissioner that innovation is the answer. The question of Worldcoin should also be subjected to sandboxing," he wrote on his X page.

"Banning is not the answer. Allow those of us who believe in blockchain and cryptocurrency to choose. Return Worldcoin!"

He disclosed that back in 2016, he invested Sh60,000 in two Bitcoins. The amount, he said, has since appreciated over the years and now totals over Sh9 million.