Student dies after allegedly falling from school rooftop

The school, located in a seven-story structure in Umoja, witnessed the unfortunate event on Friday, March 8.

Crime Scene.

A heartbreaking incident is under investigation as detectives look into the death of a grade eight pupil who allegedly fell from the rooftop of his school in Nairobi's Umoja area.

The police reported that the boy's lifeless body was found on the first floor of the school building after the incident occurred.

To establish the circumstances surrounding the tragedy, law enforcement has obtained surveillance footage, and a thorough review is underway.

The school, located in a seven-story structure, witnessed the unfortunate event on Friday, March 8.

After observing that the injuries sustained by the boy did not align with those typical of a fall, the police have classified their inquiry as a murder investigation.

Further insights are anticipated from a postmortem examination.

Following the incident on Friday night, four individuals, including two directors, the head teacher, and a teacher responsible for the boarding section, were taken into custody for questioning.

Francis Kamau, the Buruburu sub-county police commander, confirmed the ongoing investigation into the tragic incident, citing several inconsistencies.

“We are investigating murder for now. This is because of many inconsistencies detected,” he stated.

Simultaneously, an internal investigation is being conducted at the school, focusing on an earlier interrogation of the deceased pupil by a teacher on the same day.

The sequence of events leading up to the boy's fall, which occurred around 7:30 pm, remains unclear.

The school functions as a boarding institution with a significant number of pupils in attendance.

The child's remains were collected by the police for a necessary autopsy, as demanded by the grieving parents.

Parents are demanding justice, prompting some to visit the school to ensure the safety of their children.