Elsa Majimbo: I love South Africa, ride or die kind of love

The content creator has been in the news the past few weeks over her war with Naomi Campbell

Elsa Majimbo
Image: Instagram

US-based content creator Elsa Majimbo has expressed her deep affection for South Africans, stating that their unwavering support has left her without words to describe the love she feels.

In a tweet on her X account, Elsa conveyed her gratitude, saying, "Damn, I love South Africa. Like ride-or-die kind of love.

South Africans have shown up for me in ways I have no words to describe. Just here to acknowledge and be grateful."

Elsa has consistently shown her love for the people of South Africa, reciprocating the gestures of support she has received.

She went a step further by incorporating the South African flag into her X account bio, a symbol of her enduring love for the country.

In a past incident on November 26 last year, Elsa found herself in a feud with Kenyans, leading to speculations that she expressed hatred for Kenya.

To address the situation, she offered a reward of $1000 to anyone who could produce a video of her saying, "I hate Kenya."

Elsa vehemently denied uttering such words, challenging anyone to provide evidence. Despite the social media uproar, Elsa remained firm in her love for her home country.

In response to the controversy, singer KRG the Don suggested that Elsa should renounce her Kenyan citizenship, offering her $5 million to do so.