Five years ago, Joseph Irungu, also known as Jowie, faced an uncertain future as his family held onto hope, believing in his innocence in the murder case he was entangled in.
However, on Friday, the High Court delivered a verdict, finding Jowie guilty of murdering businesswoman Monica Kimani, while his ex-fiancée, former TV presenter Jackie Maribe, was acquitted.
Justice Grace Nzioka, in her ruling, stated that the prosecution had successfully proven beyond a reasonable doubt that Irungu was responsible for Kimani's murder.
In an exclusive interview with NTV five years ago, Jowie's mother expressed empathy for Monica's parents, acknowledging the pain they were going through.
She offered an apology to Monica's family in case her son was found guilty of the crime. She said, "I feel the pain of losing a child. But what puzzles me is whether my son did it. I ask myself that question. I ask God to unfold the truth so that I can heal because I am going through so much pain."
During the interview, Jowie's family portrayed him as a Christian who loved the Church. His father revealed that Jowie had been a choir member during his upbringing.
Jowie, a gospel musician, released a song titled "Nakuabudu" on Friday, expressing his return to God and his tears at Jesus' feet.
In the song, Irungu sings, "Mikononi mwako Yesu, narejea. Miguuni mwako Yesu, nalilia" (In Your hands, Jesus, I return. At Your feet, Jesus, I cry).
Jowie has been taken into custody, awaiting sentencing scheduled for March 8, 2024. Despite the impending sentence, Jowie, through his advocate Professor Hassan Nandwa, has announced plans to appeal the High Court's decision, stating their disagreement with the findings while respecting the judgment.
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