How Guardian Angel defended his Rasta locks while in Tanzania

There are some who don't think the hairstyle complies with being a Christ-believer

Esther Musila and Guardian Angel
Image: Instagram

Kenyan gospel artist Guardian Angel has defended the current generation of evangelists having Rastafarian hairstyles, a practice that seems to go against the conservative rules set by past evangelists before the advent of globalization and modernity.

Speaking on Sunday in Tanzania during a service led by Pastor Nabii Malisa, which was broadcast live on Wasafi TV, the artist stated that having Rastafarian hairstyles does not mean a person has not received salvation.

Angel, who also has Rastafarian locks, mentioned that God does not look at a person's external appearance but pays more attention to the inner self and one's actions in the world.

The evangelist clarified that, in his understanding of the scripture, if God were to consider a person's appearance before choosing them to proclaim His word, then everyone in the gospel would be bald.

"Having Rastafarian locks is not a problem when you have God. If God saw having hair as a sin, then we would all be bald," said Angel.

Earlier in an interview on Clouds TV, the servant of God defended his marriage, which faced strong opposition from some people due to the significant age gap between him and his wife, Esther Musila.

Angel argued that the criterion of marrying a woman who is more than 20 years older has no basis.

He stressed that many couples who married at the same age ended up separating. Despite the substantial age difference, Angel and his wife are still together two years after getting married.

"If age is the crucial criterion to consider, many people have married with the same age and separated shortly afterward. Some people got married around the time I started dating my wife, and we are talking about the same age difference, but they are not together now."

"My commitment to my wife goes beyond age and people's opinions. Because when you enter that bedroom, it's you and your spouse, there are no opinionated relatives there.

As long as I am happy in my marriage, that is what matters. First of all, you are not ours; I just found you in Nairobi, so why should your feelings concern me?" Angel responded to critics of his marriage.