Uhuru photo meeting Janet Museveni sparks interesting reactions

The warm reception by Janet was documented by State House Uganda, showing the two figures sharing a hug.

Uhuru Kenyatta hugging Janet Museveni
Image: X

A photograph capturing the moment when retired President Uhuru Kenyatta embraced Uganda's First Lady, Janet Museveni, has sparked reactions on social media.

The former head of state visited Uganda after attending the inauguration of the Democratic Republic of Congo's President, Felix Tshisekedi.

The warm reception by Janet was documented by State House Uganda, showing the two figures sharing a hug.

In the image, Uhuru, wearing one of his signature flowered shirts, had his arms on her shoulders, displaying a cheerful demeanor.

Janet reciprocated with a one-armed embrace, holding a purse in her other hand. Netizens commenting on the photo emphasized the close relations between the East African nations.

Some of the reactions included:

@T_E_F_L_O_N: "Mom-son hugs."

@IamTheVillager: "Kenya, Uganda collaboration. The two countries should endeavor to work closely as brothers."

@ellytk90: "The good relationship between Kenya and Uganda should last forever. I congratulate Janet and Uhuru."

@okothcalvince19: "Why can't we just merge these two countries?"

@GraceNy59291892: "Yes, this is the president we last saw in Kenya."

@ManderaG35227: "I must admit that this is deep."

@Kamagara7: "Uhuru is a resource to Kenyans. With due respect, he is very patriotic."

@barak_atwiine: "Finally, the two flags have met. TikTokers will understand this."

@PaulAuko5: "Enjoy your retirement. Here in Kenya, the Judiciary is doing God's work."

Part of Uhuru and Museveni's discussions focused on the peace process in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, particularly addressing the situation with the M23 rebels.

State House Uganda clarified that Uhuru briefed Museveni on the ongoing efforts to restore peace in Eastern DRC as the facilitator of the EAC-led Nairobi Peace Process.