Gloria 'Kanjo Lady' Ntazola: No sensible lady would date a 'TikTok' man

Her definition of a complete man is someone with a good profession like being a doctor, pilot, or engineer.

Gloria Ntazola
Image: Instagram

TikTok sensation Gloria Ntazola, who gained sudden fame thanks to her video confrontation with a Nairobi County askari (enforcement officer) – Kanjo – has expressed her displeasure with men who adopt feminine behaviors on social media.

Through her Insta stories, Ntazola drew a distinction between rice and beans, stating that many men have lost their masculinity due to social media.

The entrepreneur in beauty products and cosmetics expressed her annoyance with men taking pictures using Snapchat filters, while some spend the entire day on TikTok asking for flower gifts.

For her, the definition of a complete man is someone with a good profession like being a doctor, pilot, or engineer.

"Sometimes I look at things on this platform, and I feel embarrassed on behalf of everyone, including the individual involved.

Why would a grown man use Snapchat filters? Why are you on TikTok asking for flowers? Real men should be doctors, engineers, and pilots. Leave TikTok and find a good job to do," declared Ntazola emphatically.

She continued to criticize modern men, stating that some spend their time on TikTok looking for romantic partners.

Ntazola asserted that no sensible woman would date a TikTok man, stating that street thieves could be better men than TikTok users.

"Men nowadays, asking for flowers, doing some tap-tap nonsense... who dates these TikTok men? I'd rather date a bank robber than these TikTok men.

You can't sit at home from Monday to Monday asking people to send you flowers; that's not acceptable. Find a real job if you are a real man," she continued her rant.

Ntazola further dropped a bombshell, stating that some people feel famous by having a few followers on TikTok.