Salasya addresses 'slap' incident with MCA

The legislator has given more information about what likely happened on the day

Peter Salasya
Image: Instagram

The Member of Parliament for Mumia East Peter Salasya has come out to defend himself after the drama that involved him emerging at the funeral he had attended on Friday last week.

Last week, the politician surrounded by drama was arrested and later released on Ksh50,000 cash bail after assaulting a ward representative during Jesmus Kodia's funeral in Maraba village, Kakamega county.

While defending himself on Sunday, the first-term MP accused Kakamega governor Fernandes Barasa of paying MCAs to attack him.

"They insult me, they hit the car and smash it so that I don't say anything. How many thugs have attacked me in public and I have not touched them?," Salasya complained in a video statement.

The DAP-K MP claimed that the MCA approached him while he was sitting calmly and started warning him against talking about him or the governor.

He also claimed that the MCA who slapped him on Friday was threatening him when he was giving his speech at the funeral they had attended.

"He was teasing me. And the Kenyans are talking to me. Don't insult me ​​without asking where the problem is. I am a very peaceful person, unless someone provokes me," he said.

He added, "Now if that MCA was there, he was armed with his knife there. Now that I'm talking, they found me offguard, now would I make him come? How would I do it? And don't see me."

Salasya asked the netizens to be understanding and seek to know what the problem was before continuing to insult him.

Meanwhile, the Democratic Action Party of Kenya (DAP-K) has summoned the Mumias MP for a meeting on Tuesday.

Revealing the details during a conversation in a local radio station, the leader of the DAP party K Eugene Wamalwa said on Monday that the leadership of the party will meet with the MP after appearing in court.

"We have called him (Salaysa) and he will be brought to court tomorrow and after that he will come to meet the leadership of the party," he said.

Wamalwa described the first-term MP as a very popular young man who may be dealing with anger management issues.

Despite this, the former Minister of Defense highlights that the party will still advise Salasya. "He (Salaysa) is a fearless leader who fought for Mumias Sugar and his people. But he needs to manage some of the issues he is blamed for," Wamalwa added.

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“Wanakuchocha tafta kazi ufanye....😢” Patoostarman

“chochwa kabisa na filters bro😂 .” Mattoxjackson.