DJ Pierra clarifies on rumours baby daddy beat her after worrying photo

The mom of one made sure to thank her fans for coming out in support of her after her revelation

DJ Pierra Makena
Image: Instagram

DJ Pierra Makena has denied that a domestic dispute with her baby daddy led to her having a swollen face this past weekend.

This is after uploading a video of herself appearing to have facial swelling and telling her fans that she was in the hospital for treatment.

However, some of her fans felt that the swelling may have been caused by a beating from the father of her child who left her when she was five months pregnant and who she has never revealed on the internet.

But after the rumours were spread, Makena returned to the internet and explained saying that she was not beaten but that it was just an illness and asked her fans to slow down such attacks.

"Fam I'm better now and getting treatment from home. I didn't get hit so my army lower your weapons. I had an allergic reaction from severe lower back pain. Allergy... details recovering."

DJ PIerra Makena's face
Image: Instagram

Thank you for reaching out and being there. I love you all," she said.

She also denied rumours that she had a road accident that led to the swelling and thanked her fans for standing by her side all the time to find out what hurt her.

"No, I was not hit and I did not have a car accident. Everything is under control thanks to the docs and the nurses who treated me quickly in the ER.

I'm recovering from home on a forced / well-deserved break.. have a blessed week family,” Makena said.