Lawyers take to the streets in defense of judiciary after Ruto remarks

Leading the charge was LSK President Eric Theuri, joined by Wiper Leader Kalonzo Musyoka.

Lawyers marching in the streets of Nairobi
Image: The-Star

Kenyan lawyers are embroiled in nationwide protests today, ignited by President William Ruto's recent comments questioning the Judiciary's independence.

From the bustling streets of Nairobi to towns across the country, advocates brandished placards and chanted slogans, demanding respect for the judicial branch.

The vibrant protest in Nairobi saw vocal lawyer Ndegwa Njiru leading the charge with a clear message for the president: "There are three conditions: respect the courts, respect the law, or go home!" His chant, "Mambo ni matatu!" ("There are three!") resonated with his colleagues, who marched in unison, their voices a chorus for judicial independence.

Njiru, known for his outspoken advocacy, took to social media earlier to rally support for the demonstrations.

He declared the march a stand for "freedom of judicial independence" and a shield against "threats to judicial officers."

Leading the charge was LSK President Eric Theuri, joined by Wiper Leader Kalonzo Musyoka.

Theuri, in a statement, urged calmness and solidarity, calling for nationwide peaceful protests. "We must not allow our Constitution to suffer dereliction," he declared, his words echoing through the throngs of lawyers.

The LSK president pointed out the incongruity of Ruto's criticism, highlighting how the very Judiciary he now berates previously nullified an election and ultimately affirmed his own victory.

"This underscores the sacrosanct role of a robust and independent judiciary in fostering national growth, stability, and economic prosperity," Theuri emphasized.

Time will tell whether Ruto heeds the calls for judicial respect, or if the rift between the executive and the judiciary deepens further.