Millicent Omanga goes hard at leaders critising Ruto

Millicent Omanga
Image: Instagram

President William Ruto's Christmas presents have been criticised by leaders, but former nominee Senator Millicent Omanga has hit back.

The politician referred to the president as a hypocrite leader, criticising him for giving gifts to his neighbours in his rural Sugoi residence.

''If you're criticising the president for sharing Christmas gifts with Kenyans who visited him at his home, you're a demented hypocrite,'' Omanga said posted on her X account.

Such'mean' people should learn to be generous, said the lawmaker who was nominated as Chief Administrative Secretary before the President's move was invalidated by the court.

''If you're mean, don't force the president and those who have a heart of giving to be mean, too. Alaar!!'' she said.

On Saturday, President Ruto gave numerous Christmas gifts to hundreds of guests who were welcomed at his expansive Sugoi house on Friday.

The president urged Kenyans to develop big hearts and assist the less fortunate. He does this by giving gifts to his neighbours every holiday season.

President Ruto has received criticism from certain leaders, though, for giving hundreds of individuals gifts at his Sugoi residence.

Speaking on Saturday following a consultative meeting with grassroots leaders of Jubilee, Secretary General Jeremiah Kioni of Jubilee stated that the Head of State intends to use his donations to make Kenyans dependent on charity.

“It is an embarrassing thing to see. He has called people to his home to give them food, this has not happened in the last 20 years. No one went to Uhuru or Kibaki’s home. This is a very retrogressive policy,” Kioni stated.

However, State House Spokesperson Hussein Mohamed posted screen grabs from years past showing President Ruto giving Christmas gifts to Sugoi locals.

Hussein claimed on his X page that it has long been customary for the President to provide Christmas gifts to the people in his hometown.

This comes after Ruto travelled to his birthplace of Sugoi to exchange Christmas presents that included rice, cooking oil, and wheat flour.

Hussein shared four screenshots from 2017, 2018, 2021 and 2022 showing the President gifting Sugoi early Christmas. "It has been a longstanding tradition, for years, pre- and now in William Ruto‘s presidency, and it’s not about to stop.

The neighbours are happy, why are these very few people sad? I’d urge them to share with their neighbours as well, it may just relieve them of their negativity," he said.

He urged Kenyans to share the love with their neighbours and the country.