Passaris called out over her birthday message to Ruto

President William Ruto and Nairobi Woman Representative Esther Passaris at a past event.
Image: Courtesy

Nairobi Women's Representative Esther Passaris has drawn harsh criticism on social media from Kenyans about her birthday message to President William Ruto.

Passaris added that Kenyans were united in their appreciation of Ruto's contribution to Kenya's progress in her tribute to the Head of State, who turned 57 on Thursday.

“I bring you not just the warmth of greetings, but the resounding voices of Kenyans united in appreciation for your contributions to our nation's story,” she said.

“No more lamenting; let's envision the Kenya we dream of and build it, brick by brick, with prayers and hard work. With faith, not fear, and goodness guiding our minds, hearts and bodies, we can make the impossible possible.”

A segment of Kenyans harshly criticised her message, believing her to be disconnected from ground realities.

“Millions are lamenting except you, your household and friends alike,” said Elah Valley.

Tom Olango asked the Nairobi Woman Rep to “be realistic mama and speak the truth. No Kenyan is happy”.

“Passaris I will be voting you out in 2027 not because of this post you've posted but because of massive betrayal during Finance Bill and how you supported punitive tax proposals at the expense of suffering Kenyans,” another Kenyan said.

Passaris stated that she was speaking for voices that Sarah Saassh doubted.

“Which Kenyan voices? Muthoni which ones? The ones you ignored when you voted for the finance bill?” she posed.

Freddie Mwangi said Passaris had eaten from ODM and was now belching and throwing up on the Opposition.