Kenyans warned about areas likely to be affected by El Nino

Heavy rains expected to hit various parts of the country beginning this month

Image: Wolfgang Hasselmann

Kenyans have been urged by the Water Resources Authority to keep an eye out for places that the anticipated El Nino rains are likely to harm.

According to a projection from the Kenya Meteorological Department, the country will likely experience El Nino rains starting this month in a number of locations.

In a statement on Wednesday, WRA stated that the prognosis suggested that the majority of the nation would see increased rains, which would be evenly distributed in some regions and strongly dispersed in others.

"The heavy rainfall may lead to river levels rising significantly and may overtop the banks and cause flooding in adjacent low-lying areas such as Lower Nyando, lower Nzoia, lower Sondu, lower Gucha Migori and the shoreline streams of Lake Victoria basin; lower Perkerra, Enkare Narok river at Rumuruti, lower Tana River at Garissa, Hola and Garsen," the WRA statement reads.

The government also advises keeping an eye out for Laggas in the Ewaso Ngro North basin (Wajir and Mandera) and the mid Tana basin (Kitui and Makueni Counties).

The regulator added that some places, particularly urban areas like Nairobi, Narok, Isiolo, Wajir, and Mandera, may face flash floods brought on by excessive runoff.

According to WRA, there is a significant chance that as dams full up, they will likely overflow and cause floods downstream.

"The major dams in the country include Bathi, Chemeron, Chemususu, Chinga, Ellegirini, Kakuzi, Gitaru, Kamburu, Kiambere, Kindaruma, Masinga, Kiboko, Kikoneni, Kimau, Kirandich, Kiserian, Maruba, Mkurumudzi, Moiben, Mulima, Muoni, Radat, Ruiru, Sasumua, Sondu Miriu, Thiba, Ndakaini, Tindress and Turkwel dams," they said.