Radio Africa's Kalondu Musyimi elated after being nominated for 2023 Pulse Influencer Awards

Mpasho's Kalondu Musyimi nominated in 2023 Pulse Influencer Awards [Details]

Radio Africa's Kalondu Musyimi

Media personality and Mpasho journalist Kalondu Musyimi has been nominated in the 2023 Pulse Influencer Awards in the Media and Blogger Influencer of the Year category.

She has been pitted against other industry heavyweights among them; Massawe Japanni, Silva Kido, Claudia Naisabwa, Buzz Central, Azeezah, Sauce, the Good Company, One Two TV, and Anyiko. The voting face is open and you can vote for our very own Kalondu Musyimi HERE

Kalondu is among the most-promising media personalities in Kenya and she works for Mpasho and its sister websites and - doing interviews and articles for the websites. 

In an exclusive interview with Mpasho's Zenna Issa, Kalondu Musyimi expressed her joy for being nominated for the upcoming awards and shared some of her best experiences at Mpasho.

She started by praising Mpasho and Radio Africa Group since they were a key milestone in her career. Kalondu noted that she is happy she gets to interact with various celebrities and build her networks more in her line of duty.

When she was asked if she knew and how she felt after being nominated for the Awards, Kalondu revealed that at first, she was not aware of the nomination until a colleague shared the news with her. 

"It is an amazing and exciting feeling, I didn't even know I had been nominated until a colleague told me. I was nominated and later Pulse contacted her to inform me of the same. It came as a surprise to me but this means only one thing; people are watching and they appreciate my efforts," Kalondu noted. 

She further added that her outstanding work at Mpasho and Radio Africa Group as a whole is the main reason why she earned the nomination.

"I have always been one of the biggest entertainment media personalities in this country, I have always influenced the flow of entertainment and I do a lot of exclusive interviews, I do a lot of interactions with top celebrities. I do a lot of work when it comes to entertainment. I believe my work at Mpasho influenced my nomination," she said.

 The media personality continued with her many praises for Radio Africa Group and stated that it was her 6th year since she joined the company.

"I like the opportunities that Radio Africa has offered me, I get to network and get experience and also get an opportunity to meet my favorite media personalities face to face and also travel a lot... this is my 6th year in Mpasho and what I absolutely love Radio Africa and am excited to be there," Kalondu noted. 

Other than praising Mpasho she also gave credit to her grandfather since he was her inspiration to join the media industry.

Kalondu finished by stating she appreciates all her fans and urged them to vote for her as the best Media and blogger personality of the year at the Pulse Influencer Awards.

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