Tanzanian music industry is in mourning

The singer is said to have been suffering from respiratory problems which started as a common fever

The late Haitham Kim
The late Haitham Kim

Bongo Flavour singer Haitham Kim is dead. The singer succumbed to death at the Temeke Referral Hospital in Dar es Salaam.

The singer is said to have been suffering from respiratory problems which started as a common fever.

A day before her death, Tanzanian musicians among them Harmonize, Alikiba, Nandy started a campaign to help raise money for her treatment. 

Her husband Boshen had announced that she was in a critical condition and had been put in the ICU.

"Napenda kuwajulisha kwamba mke wangu @haithamkim yuko katika hali mbaya sana ya ugonjwa. Afya yake imezorota na tunahangaika sana. Tunawaomba kwa pamoja tumuombee, maombi yenu niuhimu sana kipindi hiki, na msaada wenu wakati huu mgumu.Ugonjwa wake umetuletea changamoto kubwa kihisia na kifedha kwa familia yetu. Tunafanya kila tuwezalo kumuhudumia vyema, lakini gharama za matibabu ni kubwa sana. Iwapo kuna mtu yeyote anayeweza kutoa msaada wowote, iwe ni kifedha au vinginevyo, itakuwa ni jambo lenye shukrani kubwa. (0746747726 BRYSON PETER MTEI)Tafadhali, msiache kumwombea mke wangu na kumkumbuka kwa fikira njema.Upendo na msaada wenu ni muhimu kwetu, na tunashukuru kwa msaada wowote mtakaoweza kutoa.Asanteni kwa uelewa na msaada wenu wakati huu mgumu."

(I would like to inform you that my wife @haithamkim is in a very serious condition. Her health has deteriorated and we are very worried.

 We ask you to pray for her together, your prayers are very important during this period, and your help during this difficult time.

Her illness has brought great emotional and financial challenges to our family. We are doing our best to serve herwell, but the medical expenses are very high. 

If anyone can offer any help, whether financial or otherwise, it would be greatly appreciated. (+255746747726 BRYSON PETER MTEI) Please, do not stop praying for my wife and remember her with good thoughts.

 love and support is important to us, and we appreciate any help you can give. Thank you for your understanding and support during this difficult time)

May her soul rest in peace