3 kids burnt after touching live wires in Ruai

The children aged six, seven and eight were in their residential flat and playing when the incident happened.

Crime Scene.

In Ruai, Nairobi, three youngsters who were burned by a live wire have been admitted to the hospital.

The incident occurred as the children, ages six, seven, and eight, were playing in their flat. They consist of a male and two females.

After contacting the cords, the girls were initially electrocuted and burned.

Unaware of the danger he was about to encounter, their cousin, a youngster, hurried to save them when he saw the burns.

According to police, he was also burned. The youngsters were rescued by neighbours who then transported them to the hospital. Police claim to be looking into the event.

In an effort to remedy the problem, the detectives handling the case have requested that Kenya Power authorities participate in the investigation.

A 22-year-old guy was electrocuted somewhere in Mandera as a result of an incident that started a fire at their home within Mandera Township.

Another individual who was involved in the incident suffered severe burns.

When Ibrahim Isaak Norow touched a live wire at their traditional Somali home, he immediately passed away, according to the police.

The house was destroyed by fire as a result of this. Police claim to be looking into the event.

After the event on August 19, the body was autopsied before being allowed for burial.