Mike Mondo: Tiktok is Sodom and Gomorrah after midnight

This comes after ICT CS Eliud Owalo expressed concern over the increase in sexual content being shared on Tiktok late at night.

Mike Mondo.
Image: Instagram

Mike Mondo of Classic 105 is astonished by the obscene stuff that appears on Tiktok live after midnight.

This comes after ICT CS Eliud Owalo expressed concern over the increase in sexual content being shared on Tiktok late at night.

Mondo asked his Morning Converstaion listeners what truly happens on Tiktok at night, to the point where the government now wants to intervene.

He then asked whether the government should regulate social media.

" If you get on Tiktok after midnight, you'll see skimpily dressed ladies who post their phone numbers then proceed to give private shows on Whatsapp These are the same platforms your children and the youth are on," he said.

"Right now schools are closed and your children are at home. Do you know what they are watching on those mobile phones?" He asked.

" Have you seen the Sodom and Gomorrah and the debauchery on Tiktok during wee hours of the night?"

Mwalimu King'ang'i adeed "Hiyo kitu haina age limit? Mungu atusaidie!"

Mike Mondo went on to describe it as digital prostitution "Koinange street has gone digital!"

A caller said  "The government can contact the people at Tiktok and tell them that the content that goes up there is ruining our youth"

Another caller said it is a parent's responsibility "You cannot fight technology. There is something called parental control. Parents should regulate what their kids watch not the government. Banning Tiktok will be a tall order."

"Parents should ask themselves what their kids are doing on the phones in the wee hours of the night. Actually kids under 18 should not have phones!"

A caller revealed he only paid Ksh 100 for the content "I sent sh 100 to a lady on tiktok and what I swa left my mouth open. Hata siwezi describe. The lady then told me that hiyo ilikua kionjo."

A caller said "First of all to sign up on Tiktok you have to be 18 and above. Regulating content being aired on watershed hours is not right. If it was being aired at 11AM then that would be a problem"

"Mimi ni member wa Tiktok lakini it is too much, I think the government should close it."

Check out tweep's reactions;

MC Tonje: There's a lot of display of explicit content, and people tip in large numbers. It's sort of a very big business

Alecky Angish: It's true I visited that site at night what is happening there is a mess it's only ladies they show their private party live on camera on exchange of money

Jennifer Kanyiri: Wuui! Mike ,,what goes on at Tik tok especially past 1.30am ,indeed the society is rotten coz all sort of immortality happen at that time there,,people lost morals long time ago,,it's pathetic indeed

Paul Banks: we have trashed our society and that's why we can't keep sane children sane relationships or sane humans cause these women now sell sex for money and yet tomorrow you'll be someone's wife we need to have a sober society cause this a young girls groomed by old

Mossy Wa Kanyiri: We should all say no to government regulations on S.M. It is our collective responsibility as parents to regulate this gibberish. Give the govt an inch and it will demand a km. Finally it will kill the industry

Evangeline Adisa: You can't trend anywhere in Kenya if you don't have filthy content aki hata nyimbo zile ziko na dirty words and dirty video they trend lakini wale wanaimba nyimbo decent sio rahisi kutrend kabisa

Bella Ndichu: The spoilt generation of today. They are always on tiktok which is the most immoral social media. Wondering why they are so disrespectful and lazy? Well, their parents play part

Ellikins Llama: But it si their source of income tho Unapata mtu vitabu iliwakataa and here in Kenya u are aware that academic is use as the determiner of who u gonna be