Pritty Vishy shockingly asks Stevo Simpe Boy to get back together on Tik Tok live

The socialite has been vocal about speaking on her ex-boyfriend's issues in public

Pritty Vishy with Stevo Simple Boy
Image: Instagram

Over the weekend, content producer Pritty Vishy asked her ex-boyfriend, Stevo Simple Boy to get back together with her.

The TikToker has for a long time after their break up with Stevo been criticizing him in public saying that he couldn't stand up for himself in the music industry.

Pritty was seen live on TikTok, jokingly calling him and asking him if it would be okay if the two got back into a relationship, a request that Stevo immediately rejected.

“Ngoja akili yangu itulie kwanza, si umeona vile maneno mingi imekuwa kwa mitandao nataka kwanza nitulie na pia nikue sawa kiakili ndio nitakuambia," the rapper said.

Stevo added that he hoped after three months he would be mentally fit and he could think about whether it would be okay to get back together with her.

At the end of May, Vishy through her Instagram account announced that she has finally left the market and published photos of her new boyfriend, Dj Starvy while showing that she was ready because she had healed.

"I love everything about you. You do everything great. You know you drive me crazy, right? I love you babe @dj_starvy," she said.

Starvy responded by assuring the 21-year-old socialite of his deep love for her.

In January 2022, Pritty announced that her relationship with Simple Boy had ended alleging that the artist was not defending her against the management and her family.

Vishy raised concerns that the fast-growing artist listens to what his management says without question, even if it is against what he believes.

"Imagine one day if God blesses us and we get married, what will happen to me, my in-laws will visit me one day and ask him to kick me out, he will do so without objection," she lamented.