Nairobi woman dies after sliding on staircase in her own home

Police who visited the mortuary said the body had visible injuries on the back of her head.

Crime Scene

In her home in Mihango, Nairobi, a 42-year-old woman collapsed and hit her skull, resulting in her death.

Dorcas As Nina made her way downstairs in her home, she slipped, fell, and smacked her head.

On a Saturday morning, the woman had just returned from a night out and was with her husband.

According to the man, the woman became mute and passed out, forcing him to call for assistance.

Neighbours sped over to the house and assisted him in rushing her to the hospital, where she was already dead when they arrived.

When police arrived at the mortuary, they noted that the victim had obvious wounds on the back of her skull.

As part of the investigation into the incident, the team also went to the residence where it took place.

Adamson Bungei, the head of the Nairobi police, stated that they are looking into the incident to determine what took place.

“The husband says she fell in the house hitting her head which may have led to the death. We are investigating it,” he said.

The body was transferred to the mortuary for additional investigation and autopsy.

In another incident in Mowlem, Dandora, a mason was electrocuted while plastering a new home.

The four-story building's rooftop was being plastered by Daniel Mukira when he tripped and fell into three high-voltage electrical cables.

After electrocuting him, the cables burned him and tossed his body to the ground. The body suffered severe burns at the time, according to witnesses.

He was taken to the hospital by locals, but was already dead when he got there. At the Mama Lucy mortuary, the body is on display.

In the majority of estates across the nation, electrocution is now one of the top killers.

Officials attribute a portion of the tendency to unauthorised power hookups.

The threat is mostly being addressed in informal settlements through an ongoing campaign.