Zuchu goes HAM on haters attacking her skin

The lady dropped a video where she showed off her face without filters

Image: Instagram

WCB artist Zuchu has decided to straighten out the details about her skin and this time she recorded a video stopping those who mock her skin as being 'bad'.

The artist recorded a video that has been uploaded on the internet, sending her message to her haters and saying that everyone does not have to consider her as a soft-skinned person, because she is human and may have dark spots but she continues to protect her skin.

"This video is for all the people who mocked me about my skin. Now as you can see, this is a completely original video, it doesn't have any filters, I took it directly from the phone. Here on my body I have applied coconut oil and this is my skin, I think my skin is good..." Zuchu said.

"I am not a doll and I may have dark spots here and there but that is a work in progress. I don't really care if you think my skin is not good enough to satisfy you. I feel that I am human, I may have a few blemishes and that is perfectly fine," she added.

The singer also said that in the past few years, she has had terrible experiences with her fans;

"My difference is you, you feel that a person should have good skin until she peels herself. The difference between me and you is that I go through a natural process to soften my skin, or a sore or a rash.

So this is me, I'm not a doll and I can't be the way you want and I can't peel myself either," Zuchu said.

In her opinion, Zuchu feels that a person who exfoliates herself does not love herself and many who want her to exfoliate herself to get smooth skin are obviously not self-loving.

"If you feel my skin is not good enough to please you, that is your problem. If you feel you don't like my body, I don't care either, I love myself, I don't have the badness of the scandal nor the beauty of the reputation I want. I have confidence in my own body," she said.