Uhuru: Ruto is my President, I'll go if he invites me for talks

He hinted that the meeting would grant him an opportunity to offer counsel to the current head of state

Uhuru Kenyatta with William Ruto
Image: The-Star

In case President William Ruto extends an invitation, former President Uhuru Kenyatta has stated that he is willing to meet with him.

In a media appearance on Monday, Uhuru made a suggestion that he was prepared to put his differences with his successor—differences that stem from their handshake with ODM leader Raila Odinga—behind him.

"On President Ruto, I can't invite myself to talk with him but if he reaches to me he is my Prezzo (President) and I will go," Uhuru said.

He made a suggestion that the meeting would provide him the chance to provide advice to Ruto, who is now under criticism from the opposition over high taxes and living expenses.

Uhuru said he used to seek such counsel from his predecessors. 

"I went to Moi and Kibaki to seek advice," Uhuru said.