President Ruto: Demos and witchcraft will not lower cost of unga

The president said demonstrations will not bring down the cost of living

William Ruto
Image: The-Star

If the opposition keeps holding protests, according to President William Ruto, the price of Unga won't decrease.

According to Ruto, if money is invested in farmers, Kenya's food supply will expand significantly, bringing down the cost of living.

"Wale wanashindana na sisi wanasema ati njia ya kubadilisha bei ya chakula ni kufanya maandamano na kuvaa sufuria kwa kichwa. Hata kwa uganga ama uchawi, ama hata dawa itabadilika namna gani?" he said.

This translates to: "Our opposers are saying that by demonstrating the cost of living will go down, even by using witchcraft or other means will the cost of unga go down because of demonstrating?".

He spoke on Sunday during interdenominational prayers in Taita Taveta.

He said farmers need access to cheap fertilisers and stores that are near their homes for easy access.

Ruto has on several occasions maintained that demos do not impact Kenyans positively.

While speaking on Saturday in Vihiga, Ruto said Kenyans should go to their farms to till their lands rather than protest.

"If someone wants to demonstrate, they should do it on their farms. That is the only way to solve unga problem," he said.

The President claimed that protesting the government would not provide enough food for everyone.

The time for elections is passed, he continued, and leaders now need to concentrate on advancing the nation.